Can You Kneeboard Without a Tower? And Should You?

Can You Kneeboard Without a Tower And Should You

Water sports like water skiing, wakeboarding, and kneeboarding require a lot of equipment to achieve maximum enjoyment. But not all the equipment is a must-have; some just make the experience sweeter.

One of these pieces of equipment you will not regret investing in is a wakeboard tower for your boat. Wakeboard towers can be used with many water sports, including, but not limited to, kneeboarding.

Can you kneeboard without a tower? You can kneeboard without a tower just fine. Consider the tower as an accessory to your boat that will not just make it look a hundred times cooler. Still, the higher tow point will make getting out of the water easier. Towers also give the rider a longer time in the air while performing tricks.

To decide whether you should add a tower to your boat, you need to know its advantages and disadvantages. So, keep reading to learn more about the tower and how it can help you have a better kneeboarding experience.

What Is a Tower for Kneeboarding?Wakeboard tower

The tower used for kneeboarding is usually called a wakeboard tower. It is not used exclusively for wakeboarding, though; it can be used for many water sports, including kneeboarding.

The tower is an aircraft-grade aluminum frame that stands 6 to 8 feet about the boat’s surface. The rider’s tow rope is fastened to the tower with the other end held by the kneeboarder in the water.

The tower provides a high point that helps the kneeboarder get out of the water and into the surface faster and much easier. Being towed in a high point also makes air-time longer for the rider to be able to perform tricks on their board without being towed down.

Many boat owners use towers for other things besides kneeboarding or wakeboarding. For example, they can be used as a hanger for accessories such as speakers, lights, or board racks. They can also be used to provide some shade on your boat if you attach some kind of heavy cloth to them.

Do Towers Fit on Any Boat?

Yes, towers can fit any boat. Towers come in different sizes, so you can find the size that best fits your boat. Most standard inboard boats can find a tower that fits it just fine.

Even boats are built with towers perfectly attached to them and are called wake boats. Unfortunately, being very specialized boats makes them too expensive for a casual rider, costing around $5000.

In most cases, having a regular inboard boat and attaching a fitting tower to it is easy enough and will do the job more than fine.

Can You Kneeboard Without a Tower?Kneeboarding

The short answer is yes; you can kneeboard without a tower. Most kneeboarding beginners do not own boats and would most likely rent one. Because tower attachments are a bit expensive (around $2000), many boats do not have them, so the kneeboarder will have to get towed on ski tow.

The difference between ski tows and towers is that ski tows are much lower on the boat. Usually, ski tows are even lower than your extended arms, which means you will constantly be pulled downwards. This downward pull can make jumping and doing air tricks a bit harder, but you probably don’t have to worry about that as a beginner.

Even though kneeboarding without a tower is possible, it is not recommended. Instead, you can start your kneeboarding on a ski tow. Still, as you get better and more capable, we would recommend attaching a tower to your boat for the full experience.

Why Is a Tower Helpful for Kneeboarding?

The tower has two main advantages for kneeboarders; it helps you get out of the water faster and gives you more air time.

Most kneeboarders, especially professional ones, are willing to invest in the tower because these two simple-looking advantages make a lot of difference. So, let’s discuss them in more detail:

1. Getting out of the water

The higher tow point of the tower automatically pulls you upward. So if you just stay put on your board, the tower’s natural pull will get you out of the water smoothly and in record time.

Even though low-point ski tows also do the job eventually, they will take more time and resistance to get you out of the water simply for their proximity to the surface.

The tower will also help you avoid face-planting. Ski tows are extremely close to the water’s surface, which means that if you step or incline yourself even a little bit forward, you risk being face-planted on the water’s surface.

2. More air-time

Another advantage of the high tow point and upward pull is that it helps you stay in the air longer during jumps. A low tow point will simply pull you downward faster, while the tower’s high point will allow you to enjoy that flying sensation for a few seconds longer.

The extra airtime is essential for kneeboarders who like to perform tricks while in the air. More airtime means they get a better chance to perfect their tricks and show off their skill without having to worry about being pulled to the water’s surface.

Are There Disadvantages to Using a Tower for Kneeboarding?

So far, towers sound absolutely amazing, don’t they? But, unfortunately, they have a major disadvantage: the price. Some extremely expensive towers cost anywhere between $5000 to $8000, which can even be more expensive than your boat.

But luckily, there are many other affordable models that cost between $500 to $1200. Some people would DIY their tower with extended pylons over their boats. The problem is even with a relatively cheap tower, installation is still expensive and can cost around $1500.

Another disadvantage of kneeboarding with a tower is falling. As we said, the tower gives a lot of airtime and allows you to jump higher, which means that if you fall, you fall harder. This disadvantage is usually only felt by beginners, though. So to avoid it, just start with a ski tow until you are comfortable enough to go on a tower.

Related Questions

Can You Kneeboard from A Wakeboard Tower?

You can kneeboard from a wakeboard tower because they are one and the same. Even though kneeboarding and wakeboarding are two different sports, they have a lot in common, including the kind of tower they use. Wakeboard towers are routinely used for kneeboarding around the world.

What Do You Need for Kneeboarding?

In order to kneeboard, you need to have four main things: a boat, a kneeboard, a tow rope, and a life jacket. You can also use a tower attached to your boat for a better kneeboarding experience. You can easily rent all you need for kneeboarding in most water sport-friendly areas.

How Fast Does the Boat Go for Kneeboarding?

For professionals or adults, the boat’s speed is usually between 15 to 20 miles per hour for professionals or adults. This allows for a smooth, fast and comfortable ride. However, if the kneeboarder is a kid, then the boat will probably start at 10 miles per hour to get them used to the speed before going faster gradually.

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