Can I Water Ski While on My Period?

Can I Water Ski While on My Period

Most believe that doing any physical activity while on your period will worsen your cramps or, in the worst-case scenario, you will bleed out everywhere.

So they offer advice along the lines of “Don’t swim, don’t run, don’t walk, don’t even breathe while on your period. Instead, just stay in bed for a whole week, eating chocolate and watching sappy TV dramas.”

Every woman deals with this kind of advice when it’s that time of the month, which can be very restricting. Is moving around during your period the most comfortable thing in the world? No. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do any physical activity.

Can I water ski while on my period? You can water ski just fine while on your period. It will not worsen your cramps. All you need to do is use a tampon -not a pad- and change it every 5 hours or so.

Keep reading to learn more about water skiing while on your period and the best way to prepare for it.

Can I Water Ski While on My Period?

Being a water skier and a woman, you most probably gave this question a lot of thought. People have a lot of contrasting opinions on the subject, and most of them are completely baseless.

If you try to do it once, you will see for yourself that it’s quite possible and even normal to water ski while on your period.

Your period will not affect your water skiing abilities in any way, shape, or form. Unless you are suffering from strong cramps or overall fatigue, there is nothing for you to worry about while water skiing.

If you are physically feeling up for the challenge, then go for it. In fact, physical movements like running and skiing can work your body muscles and relieve your period cramps.

Is It Dangerous to Water Ski While on Your Period?

Dangerous is a strong word to use. It can be a bit uncomfortable for some women to water ski while on their period, but it is not dangerous at all.

There are many myths regarding physical activities like water skiing and their relation to your menstrual period, so let’s destroy some of them.

My tampon can get stuck.

The most common misconception about water skiing while on your period is that with movement, your tampon can get stuck inside your v*gina and will have to be surgically removed.

This myth is completely false. Your vaginal muscle is more than capable of keeping your tampon in place while you move around on your skis.

Moving will make my cramps worse.

Many women feel tired and ache all over their bodies during their menstrual cycle.

Even though you might not feel like exerting extra physical effort, a workout can help relieve a lot of your period symptoms, including cramps. So, water skiing will not affect your cramps; it can actually make you feel better.

My blood can attract sharks.

First of all, you should not be water skiing somewhere with sharks. Now, in all seriousness, period blood does not attract sharks.

Sharks are attracted to blood, but menstrual blood isn’t just normal blood. It’s also mucus and secretion for the uterus, among other things that sharks have zero interest in. So just stay away from shark-infested waters whether on your period or not.

Can You Waterski with a Pad?

You safely water ski with a pad if you want to. Pads are safe for water skiing as long as you do not fall off your ski and get soaked in the water, which is very likely to happen.

The problem with getting drenched while wearing a pad is that pads act like sponges. They do not just suck your period blood but any liquid they touch, which means they will get soaked with water. This can result in your pad getting heavy and dragging you down. Your period blood can also start floating around the water, which will be mortifying.

A quick ski around the water’s surface can be okay with pads one, but we won’t recommend using pads if you think you can be submerged in the water at any point.

Can You Waterski with a Tampon?

Not tampons are your best friend when doing water activities while on your period. Unlike pads, tampons go inside your vagina where the water never dares to enter. As a result, they will easily absorb your blood while never getting submerged in the water.

Tampons are also much easier to move around with. They are small, made of cotton, and you can barely feel them at all. So you will not have to worry about them moving around or even falling off. Unlike pads, there is also no chance of them being visible beneath your skiing suit.

All internal forms of protection are viable during water sports. For example, tampons, menstrual cups, or even sea sponges, if they’re available to you, can be used safely during water skiing. Just make sure you change them every 4 to 5 hours or as often as your doctor recommends.

Can Period Blood Leak Through a Wet Suit?

Wet suits are your trusted friend that keeps all your secrets, including your period blood. In case of an accident like your pad moving around or your tampon falling off, a wet suit will save you.

The whole point of the wet suit is to keep the water out and keep you warm. It’s also made of special material that does not leak in or out. That being said, no one will ever know if your period blood decides to leave its designated area. The wet suit will keep it all inside until you take it off and change it.


Doing any physical activities like water skiing while on your period is possible but don’t feel pressured into it. Many women get terrible cramps, migraine, or backpains while on their period, and moving is a nightmare.

If you are one of these women, please do not push your body too far. Instead, give it the rest -and maybe the painkillers- it needs, and take it slow until you feel better.

On the other hand, if you feel up to the challenge, a good stock of pads, maybe a wetsuit, and plenty of drinking water are all you need to have maximum fun water skiing in any situation.


Is It Okay to Go to a Water Park During Your Period?

It’s okay to go to a water park while on your period as long as you take proper precautions. You cannot use pads because they will get submerged in the water and will no longer act as protection. However, tampons or menstrual cups can protect you from any leakage.

Can You Do Watersports During Your Period?

You can do any water sports you like during your period. Your period will not affect your physical abilities as long as you do not suffer from strong cramps or body aches. You do not have to worry about blood leakage as long as you use a form of internal protection like tampons or menstrual cups.

Are Sharks Attracted to Period Blood?

Sharks can track menstrual blood as they have a strong sense of smell. But period blood does not only contain blood; it also contains mucus and secretion for the uterus, among other components that sharks have no interest in. There is no scientific evidence that menstrual blood attracts sharks.

Interestingly enough, snakes can also smell period blood and are attracted to it and scientific research has indeed proven this.

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